(Online Marketing) — Why you need to update your website more often

Simon Kariuki
2 min readMay 11, 2019


Almost every business today has seen the importance of creating a strong online presence to take advantage of ever growing internet users. In our previous article, we noted many people prefer to seek information online through search engines like google. It is therefore important to get known by search engines and to appear on their first page. Regular update of your website is one of the factors that can help you get a higher ranking and improve your online marketing strategy.

Unfortunately, many of us think they are done after the initial design of the website. On the contrary, this is just the beginning of creating a strong online presence. You can update your website content in two ways;

  • First, through posting news brief; what you are doing in your business, new offers, new services, monthly or weekly reports e.t.c.
  • Creating informative blog content around your nitch. For example, if your company deals with Real Estate, come up with regular articles related to real estate that would provide answers to what people are looking for instance. “What is the legal process of buying land in Kenya

Importance of Fresh Content on your website

The more you regularly update your website, the more you are likely to add new keywords. Keywords are phrases or words in your web content that make it possible for people to find your site through search engines. Developing a list of keywords is one of the first steps of digital marketing through search engine optimization.

Read The role of content writing in creating a winning website (Content Marketing)

The more you update your content, the more you keep your audience informed/updated and the more you get your website indexed. In addition, fresh content increases your website authority potential. Above all, the more search engines visit your website the more likely you are to get higher ranking to appear on the first page.

The question is, how often should you be updating your website content? Jayson DeMers describe a blog as a backbone of your online marketing strategy and recommends it should be updated once or twice a week. Nevertheless, depending on your capabilities you may choose to update your website blog monthly or at least quarterly.

However, It is worth noting not any content can lead to a higher ranking on search engines. Watch this space to learn more about creating effective content for online marketing. SEO Online Mileage never disappoints in offering such services. Contact us to improve your online presence and gain more clients.

Read How good is your website for Digital Marketing?

This article was first published on SEO Online Mileage Website.

